Sustainability > Strategy Roadmap

In 2010, Brambles announced its sustainability strategy and outlined its strategic objectives and initiatives with a five year plan to 2015.

Below are the targets Brambles has set for the five year period and commentary on progress during the Year.

Customer — all things begin with the customer
Measure Target Commentary
Customer loyalty Introduce Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology into every country in which we operate.

Once baseline is established, achieve year-on-year improvements in NPS

Pallets EMEA and Americas have achieved improvements in satisfaction and customer participation scores and they are tracking in line with the Group’s strategy. In the Pallets segment, CHEP has completed one survey cycle in every country, with the exception of China, which will commence later this year, and the recent acquisitions.
Customer engagement Increased participation in relevant industry forums and customer advisory panels Brambles has memberships with numerous industry forums and associations. The new website lists those associations and memberships.
Environment – working towards Zero Harm by reducing Brambles’ environmental footprint
Measure Target Commentary
Lumber sourcing Chain of custody certification for lumber purchased for CHEP pallets by 2015 During the Year, CHEP’s Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) accreditation in Europe was expanded to include all European countries. Work plans and timelines for remaining countries are in place. Brambles is collaborating with the new global procurement function in the Pallets segment on this target (see page 18 in the Sustainability Review).
Greenhouse gas emissions 20% reduction on 2010 emission levels by 2015 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the Group decreased by 15% from FY10 as energy efficiency programs begin to take effect (see page 19 in the Sustainability Review). Brambles will standardise reporting through iCARE (integrated compliance analysis and reporting environment), its new online data collection system, in FY13.
Lumber waste Zero CHEP lumber waste to landfill by 2015 Data collection processes are in place to track waste and businesses are investigating avenues where lumber waste can be re-used (see page 22 in the Sustainability Review).
Solid waste Year-on-year improvements in service centre recycling rates Data collection processes are in place (see page 22 in the Sustainability Review); during the Year, Brambles worked with suppliers to improve the quality and accuracy of data. Brambles will standardise reporting in FY13.
Water management Targets to be established once IFCO is fully integrated into Brambles Brambles will collect FY12 and FY13 water data from IFCO and pre-existing businesses.
People – engaging our people and making sure they are safe
Measure Target Commentary
Diversity Women to represent 30% of Brambles’ Board and the Executive Leadership Team by 2015; management positions by 2018 Revised target. Progress has been made in pre-existing businesses. With the addition of recently acquired businesses, which have lower female populations, it is apparent that additional time will be needed to meet part of the target. The Board and ELT target will remain for 2015, with management positions extended to 2018 (see page 38 in the Corporate Governance Statement for breakdown by position).
Zero Harm 25% reduction in Brambles Injury Frequency Rate (BIFR) on 2012 adjusted levels (including recent acquisitions) by 2017 Updated target to include recently acquired businesses. While CHEP and Recall recorded a BIFR rate of 9.3 events per million hours worked, Brambles suffered two work-related fatalities for the Year; one in the CHEP Catalyst & Chemical Container (CCC) business and the other in Recall. Both occurred in the USA (see page 24 in the Sustainability Review).
Brambles Employee Survey (BES) Participation rate at minimum of 90% by 2015 With an overall participation rate of 86% for the 2012 survey, which includes recently acquired businesses for the first time, the target of 90% that was met in the previous year will be maintained for 2015.
BES overall engagement score Target of 73% by 2015 Updated target to include recently acquired businesses; an incremental increase of two percentage points per annum from the 2012 score of 67%, to 73% by 2015.
Education, Training & Development (ETD) 25% increase in ETD days on 2012 participation levels by 2015 Brambles reported a total of 32,415 training days in the Year. The target has been restated; the 25% increase will be based on the number of training days recorded in FY12.
Community – making a positive contribution to the communities we operate in
Measure Target Commentary
Supplier Policy Develop and introduce a global policy and framework by the end of FY13 Restated target; in the second half of the Year, the Pallets segment appointed a head of global procurement to lead a team that is responsible for defining suppliers’ standards and monitoring supplier performance. Brambles’ supplier policy is currently being developed in consultation with this team, which will then be shared with the Group for input and review. The policy will be rolled out in FY13.
Introduction of “volunteer” time for employees At least one volunteer hour per employee during working hours by 2015 For the Year, Brambles recorded 0.24 volunteer hours per employee.
Introduction of “give as you earn” policies All businesses where legislation allows it by 2015 CHEP USA, through its CHEP Cares program, is the first business to introduce the policy. Roll-out of the policy across Brambles is due to commence in 2013.