Asset efficiency programs
Maximising capital efficiency is an essential aspect of cost leadership. Brambles’ continued to invest in programs to improve asset utilisation during the 2012 financial year, in particular in the more developed parts of its Pallets operations in which the replenishment of its asset pool can be capital intensive. Managing the three key drivers of asset efficiency – what proportion of the pool gets lost from the network, how quickly we can retrieve our assets, and the extent of wear and tear that those assets endure while they are under hire – can therefore have a significant impact on returns. In the CHEP USA business unit in particular, Brambles has made encouraging progress with some initial programs aimed at improving asset control over the long term. For example, CHEP USA has worked with some customers to reduce the number of pallets sent into distribution and retail channels that do not participate fully in the CHEP pooling network. These initiatives can reduce pallet loss and damage and assist CHEP in retrieving pallets more quickly. These programs are in the early stages of development, but it was encouraging to report in the 2012 financial year that the Americas region of the Pallets segment was able to reduce modestly its Irrecoverable Pooling Equipment Provision expense, which covers the estimated cost of lost pallets.