Sustainability > Key Sustainability
During the year, Brambles conducted its first formal analysis of sustainability topics it considers important to its stakeholders. The following 18 key sustainability topics have been identified and grouped into areas of focus (Customer, Environment, People and Community) according to Brambles sustainability strategy. Details on each topic have been reported in the sustainability review of Brambles Annual Report and on its website. Each year, key sustainability topics will be reviewed on an annual basis and, over time, be more closely integrated into our stakeholder engagement processes.

Click the dots to reveal the key sustainability topics.
Safety and wellbeing
Sustainable lumber sourcing
Product and service quality and safety
Customer privacy
Customer satisfaction
Employee engagement
Attracting and retaining talent: leadership
Emissions and energy
Customer solutions
Mergers and acquisitions
Transport impacts
Diversity and inclusion
Training and development
Waste management
Supplier sustainability
Community investment
Influence of topic in achieving Brambles corporate and sustainability strategies

Customer Case Study
Customer satisfaction One of Brambles' shared values is that all things begin with the customer. Brambles' business units are focused on improving levels of customer satisfaction and making sure that their products and services and the quality of relationships with their customers are a source of competitive advantage. 
Customer solutions By listening to customers and responding with innovative solutions, Brambles' customers of today will be its customers of tomorrow. Brambles believes that its business models make a positive contribution to sustainable business practices and it aims to integrate sustainability into the way it does business and the value proposition it offers.
Product and service quality and safety Brambles is committed to achieving Zero Harm and considers the health, safety and environment impacts in all its decisions: from the development of projects to the launch of new products and services. Brambles is committed to continuously improving the quality of its products and services.
Customer privacy Recall establishes and adheres to stringent measures of physical and operational security to protect customers' information. It is committed to securely housing, retrieving and delivering customers information when it is required.
Sustainable lumber sourcing Brambles is committed to achieving Zero Harm and considers environmental impacts in all decisions, including the sourcing of lumber. CHEP has strict lumber sourcing policies and has a target of achieving chain of custody certification for CHEP lumber pallets by 2015, which will provide further assurance of responsible and sustainable practices.
Emissions and energy
Brambles is committed to achieving Zero Harm.
It considers the environment in all decisions concerning the development of projects, the selection of commercial partners and suppliers and the launch of new products and services. Brambles is committed to using resources more efficiently and encouraging the sustainable use of its products and services.
Waste management Brambles is committed to using resources more efficiently and minimising waste. CHEP's pallet pooling system operates on the principles of reduce, reuse and recycle. Brambles is committed to continuously improving its performance to meet  customers' and stakeholders' sustainability expectations.
Water Brambles is committed to using resources more efficiently and minimising waste. Brambles is committed to continuously improving its performance to meet customers and stakeholders sustainability expectations.
Transport impacts Brambles is working to reduce its environmental footprint by using its logistics know-how to minimise the footprint of its customers and the supply chain.
People Case Study
Employee engagement Brambles recognises that people are its most important asset and is committed to providing a safe, rewarding and challenging environment for its employees. Ensuring its employees are engaged means listening to employee feedback and treating employees with integrity and respect.
Safety and wellbeing Brambles' Zero Harm Charter states that everyone has the right to be safe at work and to return home to their family and friends as healthy as when they started the day. Each and every person is expected to work safely and Brambles seeks to apply best occupational health, safety and environment practice for employees, contractors, customers and local communities.
Attracting and retaining
talent: leadership
Brambles is committed to providing a safe, rewarding and challenging environment to help employees reach their potential.
Diversity and inclusion Brambles is committed to selecting, recruiting, developing and supporting people solely on the basis of their professional capability and qualifications, irrespective of gender and other diversity factors. Brambles selects, retains and develops the best people for the job on the basis of merit and job related competencies – without discrimination.
Training and development Brambles is committed to providing a safe, rewarding and challenging environment for its employees. To meet ongoing and future needs, Brambles is committed to developing the skills of its people.
Community Case Study
Supplier sustainability Brambles expects its suppliers' practices to be in line with its own principles. Brambles is committed to driving efficiency and environmental sustainability in the supply chains its businesses serve.
Community investment One of Brambles' shared values is to always act with integrity and respect for the community and the environment. Brambles' business units are part of the communities in which they operate. The business units recognise their responsibility in making a positive contribution to these communities in the areas of environment sustainability and education.
Governance Brambles is conscious that it must have the right risk and governance foundations and appropriate structures in place to manage all impacts responsibly. Its sustainability strategy recognises that sustainability must be embedded into its corporate risk management framework. Brambles uses corporate governance practices and processes to oversee its performance, including its sustainability performance.
Mergers and acquisitions Brambles' mission is to create superior shareholder value through its people and their enterprising spirit. Brambles will work with the businesses it acquires to identify and adopt the better practice. Brambles will see that these practices are shared across the group and adopted in a considered and consistent manner.