Sustainability > Strategy Roadmap
In 2010, Brambles announced its sustainability strategy and outlined its strategic objectives and initiatives with a five year plan to 2015.

Below are the targets Brambles has set for the five year period and commentary on progress during the Year.

Customer — all things begin with the customer
Measure Target Commentary
Customer loyalty Introduce Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology into every country in which we operate

Once baseline is established, achieve year-on-year improvements in NPS
New target set in the Year. A description of NPS is located in the Sustainability Review  section of the Annual Report (page 16).

New target set in the Year. All baselines should be in place by 2012.
Customer engagement Active and increased participation in relevant industry forums and customer advisory panels New qualitative target set in the Year. Ongoing in all countries.
Environment — working towards Zero Harm by reducing Brambles’ environmental footprint
Measure Target Commentary
Lumber sourcing Chain of custody certification for CHEP lumber pallets by 2015 During the Year, CHEP Europe obtained FSC® or PEFC™ accreditation for 100% of the lumber used in repair activities and 96% of lumber in new pallets (see page 17 in the Sustainability Review section of the Annual Report). Preliminary work is underway in the other CHEP regions.
Greenhouse gas emissions 20% reduction on 2010 emission levels by 2015'
All participating countries are developing and initiating greenhouse gas reduction strategies. Brambles expects emission reductions to be realised in line with its target.
Lumber waste Zero CHEP lumber waste to landfill by 2015 All CHEP regions have processes in place and are gathering data. See page 19 in the Sustainability Review section of the Annual Report.
Solid waste Year-on-year improvements in service centre recycling rates. Data collection processes are now in place. See page 19 in the Sustainability Review section of the Annual Report.
Water management Targets to be established once IFCO is integrated into the Brambles Group IFCO’s reusable plastic crate (RPC) operations are the largest consumer of water in the Group. Data collection processes are now in place in the other business units.
People — engaging our people and making sure they are safe
Measure Target Commentary
Zero Harm 25% reduction in BIFR on 2010 levels by 2015 The Group's performance in the Year improved by 31.5%, meeting its target. A new target will be set in FY12, incorporating IFCO.
Brambles Employee Survey Participation rate at minimum of 90% in all businesses by 2015 The Group's participation rate was 90% for the Year. A new target will be set in FY12, incorporating IFCO.
BES overall engagement score Target to be set once IFCO is integrated into the Group IFCO employees comprise 22% of the Group. Target to be set in FY12.
Education, Training and Development (ETD) 25% increase in ETD days on 2011 participation levels by 2015 Baseline set. Brambles business units reported a total of 11,454 training days in the Year.
Community — making a positive contribution to the communities we operate in
Measure Target Commentary
Supplier Policy Develop and introduce a global policy by the end of FY12 New target set during the Year.
Introduction of “volunteer” time for employees At least one volunteer hour per employee during working hours across the Brambles Group by 2015 During the Year, Brambles recorded 0.35 volunteer hours per employee.
Introduction of “give as you earn” policies across the group All businesses where legislation allows it by 2015 Roll out of policy to commence in 2013.